Workshop last week: What’s in Your Survival Pack?

Last week, we adventured outside with Maya to learn what types of things we should pack in our backpacks when we go into the woods! This class was aimed at teaching kids who are new to Mountain SOL how to pack a “survival pack,” a backpack that is full of things that are useful in the woods (what you need to “surthrive” in the woods). As all older Mountain SOL scouts will tell you, there are some things that are very useful to have in your survival pack:

  • Trash bags
  • First-aid kit
  • Fire kit
  • Water bottle
  • Snack
  • Headlamp
  • Rope
  • Plant ID book
  • Gardening gloves

However, our class actually turned out to be a very small group of people who are already advanced Mountain SOL scouts! Maya showed us how, for different woods experiences, we should pack differently, and that’s what she did for the class. Instead of focusing on the basics, we focused on survival pack improvement at a higher level. The two Mapaches went above and beyond with building fire and packing a first-aid kit, getting a jumpstart on these advanced Jaguare skills. Yay for an awesome week!


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