Katie Zucker is a Loba and guest teacher for specialty classes and events. She also does a lot behind the scenes at Mountain SOL, including organizing, website maintenance, and summer planning. She has a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Alabama, and she used her coding skills after school by creating a technology team for Mountain SOL. This team, which consists of Katie, David, and Nathan, built our new Enrollment Portal and Student Database, which allows us to keep track of student information, class information, paths and skills information, and student development and progression through our curricula. This new system will also allow our data management to keep up with our growing school!
Katie is also a graduate of the Scout, Provider, and Medic paths at Mountain SOL. This means she has taken many of our Mountain SOL classes as a student and is well-versed in wilderness skills such as fire, shelter, wild foods and water, navigation, tracking, camouflage, and wilderness first aid and medic skills. Her Provider Project was creating a topographic map of the Mountain SOL campus, which we now use to teach Navigation.