Yesterday was Mountain SOL Tuesday! Because we spent a lot of time learning the last two weeks, Ms. Tesla and Ms. Bethany decided to have a day just to hike and explore the woods!
Half of the 5-6 year old’s went with Ms. Tesla up to the Moon and to Maple Clearing! For some of the students, this was their first time going up to this area and they learned about how to be careful with some of the plants by the trails, how far to walk behind each other so that they don’t bump into each other, and how to have fun but be safe!

The other half of the 5-6 year old’s went with Ms. Tesla and Ms. Bethany to the Moon and to Maple Clearing as well! We learned a lot of the same lessons but we also had Ms. Bethany with us to help answer more questions and share her knowledge!
After lunch the 7-8 year old’s went with Ms. Tesla and Ms. Bethany to the Outdoor Classroom were we “fished” and went to the Moon where we found clay and made sculptures then went to Maple Clearing to play multiple rounds of camouflage!
The 9-11 year old’s took the longest hike, going past the Outdoor Classroom up to maple clearing, down to the Moon, then down to Birch Crossing were we played camouflage!
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