Hello MLA families, welcome to our second post about In School Mountain SOL.
We have had two classes so far on mountains and then water in mountains. For the younger kids, we have created mountains, walked up and down real mountains, poured water on them to see where it goes, and constructed mountains out of lots of silly things.
Moving up in age, we started to think about why the United Nations would want to spend a whole year protecting mountains. Why are mountains important? Do humans (yes, we say humans sometimes ha) that live in mountains have any similar experiences or traits? What would we have in common with other mountain peoples? For Middle Elementary and up, we started learning the names of other mountain ranges.
On our water in mountains day, we explored about how much water it would take for our class to drink for a day….and then carried it up the mountain. What would it be like to have to carry your water up and down mountains? At the top of the mountain we dumped out the water and watched how it washed down the mountain and observed what kinds of plants and trees live where there is more or less water. How does mountain terrain affect water within the ecosystem as well as human use of water?
This Thursday we will have one more day about water in mountains, with each class having a different water related and team work challenge!

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