Here are the online check-ins that we have received so far:
From Sajit (Nepal):
Hi! I’m hiking near Shivapuri.

Aiselu, Nepalese small wild fruit .we called in English wild raspberries.

Hercules (Oklahoma)
Cimarron National grassland is the place Hercules will hike during this semester since it’s around 1 hour away from us!
The map for cimarron national grassland
The pictures below are from places that he has already hiked.

I also put the link for the Capulin volcano national monument and the map for the great sand dunes national park. Hercules started his hiking season from these two national parks, so we picked some pics from these two places and he really enjoyed there and would love to share pics with his friends!!
Here are pics from the volcano national monument

Hercules, we have a question for you. Can you tell us the name of one new plant or animal that you have discovered there that we don’t have in West Virginia?
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