Hello MLA families! Did your child perhaps inform you that they were forced to do manual labor at Mountain SOL? Well, it’s true. We made them carry water to the top of the mountain…just to dump it out. They were not exaggerating, we tortur….no, I mean to say we taught them all about how heavy […]
In School Mountain SOL at MLA! September 1 and 8, 2022
Hello MLA families, welcome to our second post about In School Mountain SOL. We have had two classes so far on mountains and then water in mountains. For the younger kids, we have created mountains, walked up and down real mountains, poured water on them to see where it goes, and constructed mountains out of […]
In School Mountain SOL at MLA! Week 1
Hello all! Welcome to our first post about the adventures of in-school Mountain SOL day at MLA, told from the point of view of storyteller and tangent-extraordinaire Jen-Osha! The brief version: tomorrow is our first day of in-school Mountain SOL at MLA. We will be starting off the year learning about mountains! Please be sure […]
Afterschool Fall 2021 Enrollment
Insider Peek at our New Paths: Scout
Our Scout Path was developed through our Cheat Mountain summer camp. Scouts work through the scout track by going to Cheat Mountain for several years and advancing through all the levels there. Students who first come to Cheat Mountain are Skills I Students. Cheat Mountain offers 3 main versions of the camp: Skills, Practicum, and […]
Get Ready for Rain on Cheat Mountain!
If you’ve been in West Virginia this month, you’ve probably noticed that it rains here…a lot. No where more so than the home of our Sur-thrival camp up on Cheat Mountain in Randolph County. More days than not this summer we’ve been under a flash flood warning, and it feels like we’re all starting to […]
Avant Evans – Stop Judging Others
Stop Judging Others Stop judging people by using the phrase “not normal.” Everyone has a different perspective of what is normal. Using the phrase “not normal” to judge or to bully someone makes people feel bad about themselves. It makes people want to change who they are because they are being judged by what society […]
Jakob Scheffen-Krause: Why the Mine Wars Should be Taught in West Virginia Schools
My name is Jakob Scheffen-Krause and I am a 7th grade student at Morgantown Learning Academy, (MLA), in Morgantown, West Virginia. In school I just learned about the West Virginia Mine wars, and the major struggle that the miners had during that time. When I was learning about the Mine wars I found out that […]
Hayden – The Importance of Teaching WV History
There are so many stereotypes about WV. Some think WV is just the western part of Virginia. However, WV is an important state in our great country. This coal mining state helped fuel the Industrial Revolution and maintains a place of importance today. WV History needs to be taught in our classrooms during the […]
Thalia – Education in WV
The West Virginia education system is surprisingly flawed and definitely has some things that should be changed. Primarily, the information public schools teach about the state’s history neglects important events in our history that are essential to understanding the state’s rich past. Many things should be introduced to history classes across the state, such as […]