Hello jaguares!
We had a fantastic first day! We are delighted to welcome new members to our group, including friends from Nepal and from Ecuador! First, I will share our adventures, and then introduce our new friends.

Today we hiked on our property and we were excited to find feathers from a turkey. We went on to discover that the turkey had been eaten…by coyotes! We tracked the coyotes and the trail and were able to see what happened. We left the feathers up at our tree in our secret Mountain SOL Scout camp =) in respect for the turkey, and for the coyotes all as part of the circle of life.

Our experienced Mountain Jaguar Hercules Lin is joining us with his family from Oklahoma. We love and miss you Hercules! I will post more information from him soon!
Okay, and now for introductions from our friends joining us from other countries!
Jimmy is a friend of mine from when I lived in Ecuador (yes, the stories are all true! haha) He is from Banos, Ecuador, but currently lives in Switzerland, where he and his brother own Circo Portilla and are jugglers. Here is a picture from him and a statement:

“Debajo de ese arbol hay una raiz y esa raiz tu no puedes cortarla… es la que sostiene la tierra jamas podrias acabar con esa raiz la misma raiz que tiene tu familia… la tiene la pacha mama madre tierra es asi si respetamos la naturaleza todo estara en balance con nuestras vidas.”
Under that tree is a root and that root you can not cut…it is the one that holds you could possibly be the same root that holds your family and that holds the Pachamama Mother Earth… in this way if we respect nature everything will be in balance with our lives.
Jimmy has just gotten in a bicycle accident, so he is stuck in bed for a while and can’t hike with us yet. He is excited to learn more about our adventures =) Below is a picture of where he lives, and some beautiful thoughts he has shared with us about how he feels hiking in these mountains!
“Estamos en la cima de la montaña… sientes el sol en tu frente… te da mucha energia para seguir caminando… te hace fuerte ese eres tu cuando estas afuera cuando respiras profundo y sientes que ese aire es puro te da fuerzas para seguir caminando… cierra los ojos y siente esa luz que se apodera de ti es tan real y tan magica es energia de la pura es como volar estar bien alto en la montania sentir que tocas las nubes sentirte por fin libre !”
We’re on top of the mountain… you feel the sun on your forehead…it gives you a lot of energy to keep walking…it makes you stronger! That’s you when you’re out, when you breathe deep and feel that air is pure, it gives you strength to keep walking. Close your eyes and feel the light that washes over you. It is so real and magic like pure energy! It is like flying to be so high on the mountain and feel that touch of the clouds and feel finally free !


Here is his message…
“Ok…hi kids! This your new friend Leslie from Ghana . I hope to make friends with you all and share amazing pictures of nature from Ghana. See you all later!”

Aburi Botanical Gardens in Accra, Ghana!

Phulchoki (Phulchoki) is a mountain (class T – Hypsographic) in Nepa (Asia) with the region font code of Asia/Pacific. It is located at an elevation of 2,307 meters above sea level.This vantage point offers an unobstructed 360-degree view of the Valley’s clustered settlements and the expansive Terai to the south. A 320-km panorama of the Himalaya from Annapurna to Everest can also be enjoyed from this hill-top. Look at the beautiful pictures that he sent us below!
Our theme this semester is Wilderness Exploration! We will learn about mapping skills as well as enjoy learning about plants, animals, and nature from our friends in Nepal, Switzerland, and Nepal. Here is the assignment for next week!
Share a picture of yourself hiking in your favorite place as well as any information that you would like to share with us about the area (altitude, climate, etc). What is the one plant or animal that you find on your hike that you would most like to share with your friends? Take a picture of it, and tell us why you choose it! Email your information to me at jenosha@auroralights.org and I will post it!
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