“At Mountain SOL we seek to guide the next generation on the path of building a more just and resilient Appalachia.”

Morgantown-Based Outdoor School Uses Nature To Teach Students To Thrive!

                The Mountain Stewardship and Outdoor Leadership school is an educational non-profit focused on nature awareness, stewardship, and youth-led leadership. We offer in-school classes for students at our partner school, Morgantown Learning Academy, as well as afterschool and summer programs that are open to all local students. Our classes are more than just lesson plans taught outside – they are engaging, fully immersive experiences that emphasize passion, personal responsibility, and leadership to guide our next generation on the path of building a more just and resilient Appalachia.


Want to help Mountain SOL?
All donations are tax deductible and allow us to reach more kids with reduced-cost or free programming!

Join our e-newsletter mailing list to stay up-to-date with Mountain SOL activities.________________

We are very grateful to the following schools and programs that
support, mentor, and stand in solidarity with our mission statement:


We are grateful to United Way for support of our Open SOL program which provides tuition free classes at the Ferry house, support for our overnight camping trip, and support for our AmeriCorps volunteers.


We operate in a close symbiotic relationship with our mother school, Morgantown Learning Academy.  MLA is a non-profit, secular, private school for children from preschool to eighth grade.

We are able to offer first aid certification for our Mountain Medic program through the support of our friends at the Herbal Medics Academy / Human Path. Our Jags paths were also largely influenced by our mentorship from Sam and Suchil. Interested in taking your wilderness medic skills to the next level? Learn more HERE.

We are supported in our staff education and resources through the support of our friends at Commonwealth Holistic Herbalism. Check out their classes, podcast, blog, and sign up for their e-mail newsletter!